how to get rid of hyperpigmentation on black skinWHAT CAUSES HYPERPIGMENTATION?Hyperpigmentation is caused by a pigment called melanin. Overproduction of melanin leads to darkening of the skin. Irregular patches are formed over the skin which defines an uneven skin tone. Hyperpigmentation can be due to a large number of reasons. It can be due to certain abnormalities or can be as a result of hyper activeness of melanocytes. Under normal conditions, sun exposure can trigger hyperpigmentation that can affect face, hands and neck areas. It is a nuisance for people who are having a black skin tone already. Hyperpigmentation can be hereditary or can be a reaction of any medication. REMOVING BLACK SKIN HYPERPIGMENTATIONvPREVENTIVE MEASURES: First of all, people having hyperpigmentation issues should take precautionary measures. People facing hyperpigmentation due to heredity should avoid sun exposure as much as possible. They should make use of sun blocks and sun creams. They should also use sun shades, umbrellas or should dress up in such a way that their areas, which can be effected should be covered properly. People with allergic issues should avoid medication that is messing up with their body, giving them hyperpigmentation. They should also take anti allergic immediately to bring their body to a normal state. SKIN TREATMENT:Lactic acid, vitamin C and glycolic acid are useful in curing hyperpigmentation. Milk, yogurt, butter oil and castor oil are enriched sources of lactic acid. Milk and castor oil can be orally consumed or can be applied directly to the skin to reduce hyperpigmentation. Oranges and lemons are excellent in removing hyperpigmentation as they contain vitamin C. They can be consumed in form of drink or their juice can effectively remove dark patches of the skin. They can be crushed to form a scrub and can be applied to the skin directly. Vitamin C serums are available in market that can be applied to eliminate hyperpigmentation.
Skinlight Cream: The new method to lighten the skin within 3 – 5 weeks: